Club Rules

Below are the Delamere Forest Riding Club Rules.

DELAMERE FOREST RIDING CLUB GENERAL CLUB RULES. On joining DFRC you agree to abide by these rules whilst a member of our club.

1. No horse under 4 years of age may be entered in any competition. A 4-year-old horse may not jump in open show jumping classes or open hunter trials/ODEs. 

2. No Stallions are allowed at DFRC events.

3. Children must be properly supervised at all times. 

4. No dogs allowed at Forest Gate Farm, or at Somerford Park Farm (during camp). At all other venues they must be kept on a lead at all times, including in the lorry park.

5. Competitors should wear the correct dress for that discipline. (Ref BRC rulebook). Riders should take responsibility for their turnout at rallies and clinics. However, it is recommended that long sleeves should be worn when jumping.

6. When the judge permits removal of jackets in warm weather, riders must be wearing appropriate long, or short sleeves; no sleeveless tops/strappy tops etc.

7. As per the guidelines issued by BRC, DFRC expect any horse or pony attending our events to be vaccinated against Equine Influenza and for the vaccination record to be correct and up to date (this will be checked). Please note that DFRC events do not currently require a 6-month booster, however some of the venues we hire do. We reserve the right to perform spot checks. 

8. Please remember that it is a legal requirement to have your horse/pony passport with you when travelling.

9. Microchips became compulsory by law from 1 October 2020 in England. For Scotland this became law on 28 March 2021 and for Wales, on the 12 February 2021. If you are attending a BRC competition you will be required to have your horse microchipped and be able to provide details.

10. Some competitions are open to non-members as well as members. Schedules will state this. Please note that should a member enter their horse in any Club event, with a non-member as the rider, then they must make the entry at non-member rates.

11. No horse may be ridden competitively by more than one rider in the same class.

12. Only two entries per competitor at Club dressage competitions (unless space allows)

13. Everyone mounted at a DFRC event MUST wear a properly adjusted riding Hat, with chin strap fastened, conforming to a minimum standard of VG1 01.040(2014-12), PAS 015:(2011) – and must have a BSI Kitemark, or ASTMF 1163 (2004a or 04a) and must have SEI mark, or SNELL E2016 and must have official Snell label E2016, or AS/NZS 3838:2006 onwards and must have the SAI global mark.  Skull caps must be worn with an appropriate hat silk for dressage or Show Jumping.   

14. Everyone riding at any DFRC XC training and on the cross-country phase of the One Day Event MUST wear a body protector conforming to 2018 Blue label indicating the date.  For other jumping classes body protectors may be worn on the outside of appropriate clothing.  (2009 purple label obsolete from January 2024)

15. Cross country – Competitors may finish the course if eliminated (providing ground conditions permit. The fence judge will advise), but MUST give way to avoid obstructing a following competitor. They must move on to the next fence after three refusals. Fall of rider and/or horse results in elimination and the rider may not remount to leave the course. Rider should present themselves to the paramedic on site as soon as possible.

16. Medical armbands are recommended for cross-country activities and must be worn on the arm. These are available From the BHS bookshop. 

17. Jewellery and Hair – It is advised by BRC that hair should be neatly secured and should not hang lower than the shoulder line when standing normally. Any item of jewellery or alternative medical treatment wrist bands should be covered up by clothing or gloves. If they cannot be removed, they will be worn at the riders’ own risk.

18. At all venues, horses must not be left unattended outside their lorries or trailers. All litter must be placed in any bins provided or taken home for disposal. All droppings must be removed. Gates should be kept shut where appropriate. No haynets tied outside boxes at Forest Gate Farm.

19. Saddlery – As per the BRC rule books (See BRC website 

20. When working in at any DFRC event, pass left to left and give the other horse room if you are on the inner track (be careful if you are carrying a whip not “catch” another horse).  Priority should be given to anyone in lateral work or counter canter. If you are in walk use the inner track and leave the outer track free for those in trot or canter. Be considerate and polite to other riders. 

21. Abuse of a horse or pony by misusing a whip, spurs or any other item of tack or equipment will not be tolerated.

22. Club Dressage – When a combination has been awarded the annual points trophy for Intro Dressage then they are no longer eligible for this class (Winter and Summer are separate trophies). 

23. Members may compete in the first prelim till they have accumulated 35 points; after that they may continue to compete in the second (open) prelim. Non-members who win twice must then compete HC.

Points are awarded to members as, 6 points for 1st place, 5 points for 2nd etc. If there are less than 6 club members in a class, points will be awarded accordingly.

24. Our dressage competition year is divided into Winter (October – March) and Summer (April – August). Points winners at each level will be awarded great trophies at our AGM in November.

25. We run our tests according to BD rules using BD listed judges and BD tests. Tests can be purchased from the BD online shop. The arena can be opened 10 minutes before the start of the Intro test for you to walk round the arena on the right rein to introduce your horse to the boards, markers, flowers etc. This must be requested when entering on Entry Master.

26. Whips  – Dressage

One whip of any length is permitted for all BRC dressage. Whips must not be used in a way or be of a length that disturbs other riders and may not be picked up if dropped during a test.

  • Show Jumping & Cross country

BRC now states that one whip is permitted for show jumping and must be between 45cm and 75cm and must not be weighted or with a hard point at the end. The end of the whip must be padded. The ‘pad’ must be smooth with no protrusion or raised surface (which includes embroidery) and be made of a shock absorbing material throughout its circumference. This style of whip is mandatory at Club and Area level competition also for both members and non-members.

27. Saddlery and gadgets which are not allowed for the tests or competition may not be worn when schooling, exercising, riding in or warming up on the day of the competition, under penalty of elimination. Only the Rider entered into the competition may warm up or exercise the entered horse on the day of the competition. 

28. Lunging in side reins, the carrying of a whip and wearing of boots and bandages is permitted when warming up. Lunging must not take place in such a way or at such times as to interfere with other competitors and/or spectators. No lunging is permitted at Forest Gate Farm. Lunging at all other venues should be checked with the organising committee member on site. 

29. Members are reminded that as the DFRC is affiliated to BRC they are required to comply with BRC guidelines regarding the use of social media. These are to be found in the BRC Handbook. Section G15.3 

30. Health & Safety.

Delamere Forest Riding Club take reasonable precautions to ensure the health and safety of everyone present at our events. For these measures to be effective everyone must take all reasonable precautions to avoid and prevent accidents occurring and must obey the instructions of the organiser and all officials and stewards.

Save for death or personal injury caused by negligence of the organiser(s) or anyone for whom they are in law responsible, neither the organiser(s) or Delamere Forest Riding Club to which these rules apply, nor any agent, employee or representative of the Club accepts liability for any accident, loss, damage, injury or illness to horses, owners, riders, spectators, land, vehicles, their contacts and accessories, or any other person or property whatsoever, whether caused by their negligence, breach of contract or in any other way whatsoever.

31. Rule Changes

These rules are subject to change at any time to comply with unusual events occurring from time to time and may be adjusted to comply with any Government or Emergency service guidelines imposed at any time.

DFRC Health & Safety can be found here

The BRC rules can be found on the BHS website

BD rules can be found on the BD website

BE rules can be found on the BE website